Tag: gothic
Decisions revisited
Shame [sheym] -noun the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another disgrace; ignominy This gothic photograph by Conceptually Black is about the shame one feels from their decisions. I personally don’t have shame over any decision I have made, even the worst of them, because…
Loneliness destroys
Lone-ly [lohn-lee] affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome. destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, support, etc.: a lonely exile. lone; solitary; without company; companionless. Photographer Conceptually Black created this gothic art image in Toledo Ohio, it is supposed to convey an emotion of loneliness, depression and sadness.
Sea of Madness
Hard, cold fingers caress my back, pushing my mind to the edge of the sea… the sea of madness… Warm, sticky blood tickles my face, pushing my thoughts to the edge of the sea… the sea of madness… Burning, singeing heat warms my insides, pushing my sanity to the edge of the sea… the sea…
Torture defined
Tor-ture [tawr-cher] noun, verb –noun 1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. 2. a method of inflicting such pain. 3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone. 4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony. 5.…
Happy New Year! 2011
This new year presents many opportunities, it lays before me as a new chance, it has endless possibilities. I have some ideas and plans to expand my business, advance my career and enjoy my life more. I don’t feel I will be as aimless as the past year, I feel I will be prepared to…
She claws for freedom.
Conceptually Black’s gothic art is not hot topic fluff, but rather dark work pulled from a twisted mind and view. Conceptually Black is a published gothic writer, who uses the inspiration of his writing to delve into a world of dark, twisted and sometimes erotic gothic art. This image is based upon a dream I…
Long road home
Conceptually Black is a photographer that has gothic inspiration and an erotic tone to many of his art images.
Conceptually Black creates gothic art, based upon his dark view of the world.
Wandering lonely
Conceptually Black of Cleveland, Ohio creates art that has gothic inspiration and an erotic tone, the mingling of gothic and erotic creates a raw and powerful image.
his regrets weigh heavy
This artistic photograph borrows heavily from my gothic past. The couple were a fan of the erotic art of Conceptully Black and we shot this in a hotel in Detroit, Michigan.