Tag: Ohio

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire This image by Conceptually Black, of Cleveland Ohio, explores the concept of being a voyeur, watching events as they unfold with interaction with the subjects.

  • Sunday Erotica

    Erotica e-rot-i-ca -noun literature or art dealing with sexual love. Conceptually Black shot this image in Toledo, Ohio at the Collingwood Art Center.

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire This smoking fetish image by photographer Conceptually Black of Cleveland, Ohio was taken at the Detroit Erotic Art Collaborative.

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun This erotic photograph was taken in Toledo, Ohio by Conceptually Black.

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this image in Cleveland, Ohio with model Red from Detroit, Michigan. This was shot using a diana lense, made of plastic, on a Nikon D90,…

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this collage in Cleveland, Ohio, it is showing glimpses of a photo shoot.

  • What is and isn’t a model release

    I read online forums where people often ask questions about model releases, misinformation and confusion is usually shared at this point. This post should help clear up some of the common misconceptions. First, let’s figure out what what a model release is. First let’s figure out what a model release is. It is basically a…

  • Airport Security and Camera Equipment

    So you have to fly somewhere with your camera equipment and worry about issues that may arise at security? Don’t fret, don’t worry, if you follow these tips you’ll have no problems. x-rays will not damage digital camera or memory cards. x-rays used to scan carry-on items, will damage high speed film(800 and above), it…

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this erotic art image in southern Ohio

  • Sexual Sunday

    Sexual sex-u-al –adjective 1: of, pertaining to, or for sex: sexual matters; sexual aids. 2: occurring between or involving the sexes: sexual relations. 3: having sexual organs or reproducing by processes involving both sexes. This erotic image by Conceptually Black was created at my old studio in Columbus, Ohio.

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