Tag: art
Erotic Sunday
Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire This image by Conceptually Black, of Cleveland Ohio, explores the concept of being a voyeur, watching events as they unfold with interaction with the subjects.
Sunday Erotica
Erotica e-rot-i-ca -noun literature or art dealing with sexual love. Conceptually Black shot this image in Toledo, Ohio at the Collingwood Art Center.
Erotic Sunday
Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire This smoking fetish image by photographer Conceptually Black of Cleveland, Ohio was taken at the Detroit Erotic Art Collaborative.
Sunday Erotica
Erotica e-rot-i-ca –noun literature or art dealing with sexual love. This image was shot by Conceptually Black in Detroit, Michigan; it is of rope marks on a model’s arms after a bondage session. I shot this completely using natural light, with almost no post processing.
Free Art Friday- April 1st, 2011
No joke! Conceptually Black is giving away a print! Totally free! The following print used to hang on my wall, it is printed on Kodak paper and set inside an edgeless glass frame. It is an art nude, commonly shot under my alter ego Lazyi Photography. Conceptually Black is a Cleveland, Ohio erotic photographer, who…
Erotic Sunday
Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun This erotic photograph was taken in Toledo, Ohio by Conceptually Black.
Erotic Sunday
Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this collage in Cleveland, Ohio, it is showing glimpses of a photo shoot.
Sunday Erotica
Erotica erot-i-ka 1: literary or artistic works having an erotic theme or quality 2: depictions of things erotic Good erotica is supposed to entice the mind, is is supposed to engage the thoughts and the loins. Conceptually Black creates erotica for the enjoyment of others, and if you wish to all photographs shown here are…
Erotic Sunday
Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this erotic art image in southern Ohio
5 Tips for beginning photographers
These 5 tips are for a person interested in beginning photography. They are simply starting points, I shall be posting later with other tips to move your photography forward. 1) Don’t run out and buy, buy, buy equipment. Instead buy yourself a nice digital SLR, buy a good lens(preferably something good with low light like…