Category: Erotica
Sunday Erotica
Erotica erot-i-ka 1: literary or artistic works having an erotic theme or quality 2: depictions of things erotic Good erotica is supposed to entice the mind, is is supposed to engage the thoughts and the loins. Conceptually Black creates erotica for the enjoyment of others, and if you wish to all photographs shown here are…
stretching forever
Model Alkemie Jane in Detroit, at the Detroit Erotic Art Convention by Conceptually Black.
hiding from view
Model: Angie Location: Collingwood Art Center, Toledo, Ohio
waiting for the ash to clear
Models Alkemie Jane(smoking) and Maura. Location: Dayton, Ohio
Blinded pantyhose love
Model Miss amanda Marie, blindfolded, in pantyhose at the Toledo Collingwood Art Center.
Begging for love
photograph taken in Toledo, Ohio.
view to die for
Photographed by Conceptually Black in the basement of the Colingwod Art Center in Toledo, Ohio.
Pantyhose erotica
Model Alkemie Jane of Cleveland Ohio, blindfolded in pantyhose.
Twisted love
Model Angie, from Dayton Ohio, in pantyhose, photographed in the Collingwood Art Center in Toledo Ohio.
a lover’s view
This photograph was taken in Detroit, Michigan.