Tag: photograph
Sunday Erotica
Erotica erot-i-ka 1: literary or artistic works having an erotic theme or quality 2: depictions of things erotic Good erotica is supposed to entice the mind, is is supposed to engage the thoughts and the loins. Conceptually Black creates erotica for the enjoyment of others, and if you wish to all photographs shown here are…
Airport Security and Camera Equipment
So you have to fly somewhere with your camera equipment and worry about issues that may arise at security? Don’t fret, don’t worry, if you follow these tips you’ll have no problems. x-rays will not damage digital camera or memory cards. x-rays used to scan carry-on items, will damage high speed film(800 and above), it…
5 Tips for beginning photographers
These 5 tips are for a person interested in beginning photography. They are simply starting points, I shall be posting later with other tips to move your photography forward. 1) Don’t run out and buy, buy, buy equipment. Instead buy yourself a nice digital SLR, buy a good lens(preferably something good with low light like…
Professionalism on a shoot
So you have built your network, ensured safety and are regularly attending shoots. Here are a few tips that will make shooting easier: 1) Don’t constantly be playing on your phone, texting and answering your calls. You’re there to model, so just like any other job, be there to work. 2) Be on time, if…
Erotic Sunday
Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire Conceptually Black photographed this erotic art picture in Detroit, Michigan.
Decisions revisited
Shame [sheym] -noun the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another disgrace; ignominy This gothic photograph by Conceptually Black is about the shame one feels from their decisions. I personally don’t have shame over any decision I have made, even the worst of them, because…
Sea of Madness
Hard, cold fingers caress my back, pushing my mind to the edge of the sea… the sea of madness… Warm, sticky blood tickles my face, pushing my thoughts to the edge of the sea… the sea of madness… Burning, singeing heat warms my insides, pushing my sanity to the edge of the sea… the sea…
Torture defined
Tor-ture [tawr-cher] noun, verb –noun 1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty. 2. a method of inflicting such pain. 3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone. 4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony. 5.…
Have you ever?
Have you ever tried to touch a star? Reaching, stretching, straining… Attempting to grasp something you can never touch. Have you ever tried to feel a cloud? Reaching, stretching, straining… Attempting to sense something you can never touch. Have you ever tried to race the wing? Reaching, stretching, straining… Attempting to beat something you can…
Happy New Year! 2011
This new year presents many opportunities, it lays before me as a new chance, it has endless possibilities. I have some ideas and plans to expand my business, advance my career and enjoy my life more. I don’t feel I will be as aimless as the past year, I feel I will be prepared to…