Tag: Columbus
What is and isn’t a model release
I read online forums where people often ask questions about model releases, misinformation and confusion is usually shared at this point. This post should help clear up some of the common misconceptions. First, let’s figure out what what a model release is. First let’s figure out what a model release is. It is basically a…
Sexual Sunday
Sexual sex-u-al –adjective 1: of, pertaining to, or for sex: sexual matters; sexual aids. 2: occurring between or involving the sexes: sexual relations. 3: having sexual organs or reproducing by processes involving both sexes. This erotic image by Conceptually Black was created at my old studio in Columbus, Ohio.
Professionalism on a shoot
So you have built your network, ensured safety and are regularly attending shoots. Here are a few tips that will make shooting easier: 1) Don’t constantly be playing on your phone, texting and answering your calls. You’re there to model, so just like any other job, be there to work. 2) Be on time, if…
Sea of Madness
Hard, cold fingers caress my back, pushing my mind to the edge of the sea… the sea of madness… Warm, sticky blood tickles my face, pushing my thoughts to the edge of the sea… the sea of madness… Burning, singeing heat warms my insides, pushing my sanity to the edge of the sea… the sea…
Safety tips – models
If a photographer claims to be working for a big company, ask yourself these questions first. -Do I fit the normal look of the models this company uses? Think of it simply like this, if you don’t look like a V.S. model, would V.S. use you? -Why aren’t they using an agency? Most major ad…
wrapped for freshness
Conceptually Black is an fetish photographer in Cleveland, Ohio. This image of a model wrapped in plastic wrap was taken in Columbus, Ohio.
worst date
Conceptually Black is an fetish photographer in Cleveland, Ohio. This artistic fetish image of a model grasping a dildo was taken in Columbus, Ohio.
drooling in pleasure
Conceptually Black does artistic fetish photography. His work is personal and erotic, detailing the fetish lifestyle in an intimate way. The photograph shown here was created in Columbus, Ohio.
plastic wrapped nude
Conceptually Black does artistic fetish photography. His work is personal and erotic, detailing the fetish lifestyle in an intimate way. The photograph shown here is a nude model bound tightly with plastic cling wrap was created in Columbus, Ohio.
Her pain
Conceptually Black does artistic fetish photography. His work is personal and erotic, detailing the fetish lifestyle in an intimate way. The photograph shown here was created in Columbus, Ohio.