So when I set upon this journey to create erotica, I wanted to avoid creating something classless, something sleazy. I always wanted to distance myself from porn, to avoid creating anything without merit, without value.
As I embarked on my exploration of Erotic photography, I continually found myself looking at other photographer’s erotic work, hoping to find an inspiration, hoping to see what others consider erotica, hoping to see how I could express my inner voice. All I discovered along that trip was that what one may consider to be erotic, another may consider bland or tame or raunchy. I discovered amazing work created with the simplest camera on a thread bare sofa, I discovered bland uninteresting pieces created with top of the line cameras, in huge studios. I saw images that sent my mind racing and my pulse thudding; I saw images that repulsed me and left me wanting more to it. Only upon this exploration was I able to step forward and find my vision, find my voice and truly realize what I think is erotic.
I now realize erotic work can be a hand, an eye, fingers clawing a lover’s back or the most explicit picture possible. I came to realize that a label of porn is not a bad thing, but rather something to strive for. If my work has no value other than to be considered “simply porn” then I should be happy as it still has value. I have come to the realization, the discovery and dare I say the awakening, of my erotic vision. Keep your eyes out for what is coming in the near future.
Porn, Smut, Sleaze
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