Category: tips

  • What is and isn’t a model release

    I read online forums where people often ask questions about model releases, misinformation and confusion is usually shared at this point. This post should help clear up some of the common misconceptions. First, let’s figure out what what a model release is. First let’s figure out what a model release is. It is basically a…

  • 5 Tips for beginning photographers

    These 5 tips are for a person interested in beginning photography. They are simply starting points,  I shall be posting later with other tips to move your photography forward. 1) Don’t run out and buy, buy, buy equipment. Instead buy yourself a nice digital SLR, buy a good lens(preferably something good with low light like…

  • Professionalism on a shoot

    So you have built your network, ensured safety and are regularly attending shoots. Here are a few tips that will make shooting easier: 1) Don’t constantly be playing on your phone, texting and answering your calls. You’re there to model, so just like any other job, be there to work. 2) Be on time, if…

  • Model networking

    So you’ve decided to become a model and don’t know where to start?  My best advice is to develop a network, this will allow you to share tips, learn who is reputable, maintain safety and find jobs. A good network should be built up of models, photographers, make-up artists, hair stylists, wardrobe stylists & designers…

  • Model portfolio building

    If you’re an agency represented model they will help you, but if you are going the freelance model route then you will need to build a portfolio, which will also help you build your network and will help you in getting paid gigs. First thing to know when seeking to build your portfolio is what…

  • TFP/CD vs. Paying

    Let’s talk a bit about TFP/CD shoots and paying a photographer for portfolio pictures. TFP/CD is a mutual trade shoot between a model and photographer and sometimes support staff like make-up artists, hair stylists and wardrobe stylist/designers. The purpose is to capture usable images for portfolio use, without having to pay each other out of…

  • Safety tips – models

    If a photographer claims to be working for a big company, ask yourself these questions first. -Do I fit the normal look of the models this company uses? Think of it simply like this, if you don’t look like a V.S. model, would V.S. use you? -Why aren’t they using an agency? Most major ad…

  • a moment’s dream

    This photographic series is meant to capture the hectic feeling one has when they are with a new lover, that whirlwind time when each hour seems to last seconds, and each touch feels like it lasts days. Blur within a photograph can be used to convey movement or a sense of urgency. You can create…

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