Category: blurry

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire This image by Conceptually Black, of Cleveland Ohio, explores the concept of being a voyeur, watching events as they unfold with interaction with the subjects.

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun This erotic photograph was taken in Toledo, Ohio by Conceptually Black.

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this image in Cleveland, Ohio with model Red from Detroit, Michigan. This was shot using a diana lense, made of plastic, on a Nikon D90,…

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ik 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire — erotic noun Conceptually Black created this erotic art image in southern Ohio

  • Erotic Sunday

    Erotic erot-ic -noun 1: of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire <erotic art> 2: strongly marked or affected by sexual desire This blurry nude was created in Conceptually Black’s Cleveland Ohio studio.

  • uncharted lust

    Lust [luhst] –noun intense sexual desire or appetite. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness. a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually fol. by for ): a lust for power. Conceptually Black created this image in Detroit, Michigan.

  • Have you ever?

    Have you ever tried to touch a star? Reaching, stretching, straining… Attempting to grasp something you can never touch. Have you ever tried to feel a cloud? Reaching, stretching, straining… Attempting to sense something you can never touch. Have you ever tried to race the wing? Reaching, stretching, straining… Attempting to beat something you can…

  • a moment’s dream

    This photographic series is meant to capture the hectic feeling one has when they are with a new lover, that whirlwind time when each hour seems to last seconds, and each touch feels like it lasts days. Blur within a photograph can be used to convey movement or a sense of urgency. You can create…

  • she waits

    Conceptually Black does artistic fetish photography. His work is personal and erotic, detailing the fetish lifestyle in an intimate way. The photograph shown here was created in Cleveland, Ohio.

  • quickly gaining

    This is from Conceptually Black’s self portrait series of model’s moving around him.

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